
Hello! Welcome to my little corner of the internet. This is a little test website/blog to document my random thoughts/experiments, both for your viewing/enjoyment, but also for me to look back on in the future.

I’m a university student studying nerd subjects, and have an interest in such.

My current preferred shell is zsh on wsl on a Framework Laptop.

I have mild regrets using a Samsung S23.

I’m a datahoarder, with a 18TB storage server running on TrueNAS Scale (5x4TB raidz1 + 2x2TB mirror).

I run a compute server which hosts Pandora, PiHole, a vpn node, and occasionally minecraft servers.

I’ve also written a very basic, poorly implemented, Rocket Flight Computer using the Arduino IDE on a Teensy board to log data for a Tripoli Level 2 Certification Flight.

Blog Posts

2024 - Dell Inspiron 5510 Repair

2024 - Macbook Pro A1708 Repair

2024 - Unifi AP Flashing (OpenWRT)

2023 - VISCA over IP

2023 - Rooting a Technicolor Gateway

2023 - Blog Writing

2023 - RFID Card Reader

2022 - Cisco AP Setup

2022 - Cisco AP Flashing

2021 - Physical Network Setup